PR Lighting Releases Advanced XRLED 3000-W Framing Spot

Hot on the heels ofthe AQUA LED 1700 Framing, PR Lighting has announced another new shutter bladedevice, the XRLED 3000-W Framing(PR-8137).

Thisnew addition to the popular XRLED moving head series features the latest advanced 1200W white LED light source. In addition to its complete range ofspotlight effects and features, the fixture’s four sets of framing blades offer endless rotation, different size and shaped graphics, and a curtain effect in a module designed and patented by PR Lighting.

This extremely bright and powerful spot, which is suitable for any type of project, comes in two versions. The 6500K, 70 CRI,55000 lumen version is suitable for concerts, major events and exhibitions while the 5600K 92 CRI 41000 lumen spot has been designed specifically fortheatres, TV studios and corporate events.

Thanks to the unique design of the LED engine cooling system, the noise level can be controlled at a very low level—andlower still when run in theatre mode (39dB), making it an excellent choice for boththeatres and TV studios. Moreover, for pan and tilt use,PR has upgraded to a new non-contact magnetic encoder positioning system that gives the lighting designer more precision and stability. Another key feature which is sureto impress designers and operators is the 6°-54° variable light angle, with autofocus.

Other highlights of the XRLED 3000-W Framing include: Electronic strobe (0.3-25fps) and four selectable dimming curves (0-100% linear adjustable). It offers full CMY linear colour mixing, with macros; two colour wheels, each with six dichroic filters(plus open); half colour effect, variable speed rainbow effect; optional stepping or linear colour changing and linear colour temperature adjustment,with 0-100% linear CTO system.

The optical path also includes a rotating gobo wheel, with six replaceable gobos plus open (either glassor metal). These are bi-directionally rotatable and shakeable, at variablespeed, and offer indexable scrolling. The second, fixed gobo wheel offers seven replaceable gobos (plus open).

The fixture, which weighs 45kg, also contains a 4-facet prism and a linear prism, bi-directionally rotatable at variable speeds, and indexable; light and heavy double Frost filters; replaceable animation wheel, bi-directionally rotatable atvariable speed;5-100% linear adjustable Iris, with macro; motorized linear Focus and  Zoom; Pan 540°, Tilt 270° head movement, withauto position correction and Swap and Invert functions.

Shipping will begin inmid-May.
